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Showing posts from February, 2011

The cookie that has it all: Double Chocolate Pretzel Peanut Butter Cookies!

So I'm not sure how many of you know how I feel about peanut butter and chocolate but I might have tossed around words like "God's gift to food" or "the most yummiest thing of all time" in the past.  Long story short, if I could only eat one thing for the rest of my life you can be assured that peanut butter and chocolate would be main ingredients in my choice.  That is why I was so captivated by these cookies I saw posted over on Picky Palate 's page.  They have chocolate, peanut butter and pretzels...and they are topped with a tiny bit of sea salt, bringing that whole sweet/salty combo that is out of this world!  What more could you possible ask for in one small baked good?  Nothing I tell you!  Well, almost nothing in my opinion.  I am not really a fan of white chocolate so I substituted semi-sweet chips for the ones added in but either way these truly are the cookies that have it all!  For this recipe you are going to need some broken pre...

Homemade Strawberry Cream Twinkies

When I made the Strawberry Champagne Cupcakes the other day I got a little over zealous with the frosting and ended up with an extra cup and a half left over.  So I asked myself, what do you do with a cup and half of leftover delicious frosting?  Besides sneak up in the middle of the night and eat it by the spoonful by the light of the fridge that is...not that I would ever do that...I swear... No what you do is make something else that goes with it of course!  Now I have no idea why, but the first thing that popped into my head was Twinkies.  I just felt that this delicious frosting would be great filling for a twinkie!  So I began my there a homemade Twinkie recipe out there?  Turns out there are tons...and seeing as I was lucky enough to get an extra day off this week (Thanks so much President's Day!) I was feeling lazy and decided to use the easiest recipe I found.  It is also by the way the one I found people sai...

Cupcakes and bubbly!

So this week I feel that I am truly living up to my name as a frustrated baker.  As you all know, this past Monday was Valentine's Day, and in honor of that we have been carrying "cupcakes" at work.  I say "cupcakes" because although they resembled the awesome tiny cakes in looks, they tasted and had the texture of cardboard and terry cloth.  They were rough and dense and flat in taste; overall, horrendous!  They gave a bad name to the title of cupcake.  As such, I felt it my duty as a cupcake fan to make some super yummy cupcakes this week.  After asking for some input from friends on Facebook, I decided to go with Love & Olive Oil 's Strawberry Champagne Cupcakes.  After all, what could be better than bubbly and strawberries?  Except maybe putting them in cupcake form, of course! I altered Lindsay's recipe slightly, as I did not want to spend all day at our Safeway trying to find coconut milk...instead I used regular 2% (it's what we ...

Fruity Pebbles Treats

It has been an exhausting day in our house today.  My daughter woke up late last night with the worst cold ever and ended up sleeping in our bed with us all night.  Well, I guess I should say she slept...the hubby and I, not so much.  That being said I was looking for something yummy and quick to make for the family today.  Luckily I had just the thing lined up, Fruity Pebble Treats. They are super quick and easy and so very yummy!  My husband requested them a couple of weeks ago and seeing as they take 10 minutes max, they seemed just perfect for my blog post today. Fruit Pebble Treats 12 servings 1/4 cup butter or margarine 1 package of regular sized marshmallows 5 cups fruity pebbles In a deep pan melt the butter/margarine on low heat.  Add the marshmallows, stirring constantly so that it does not burn.  Pour in the fruity pebbles and stir until well mixed.  Pour the mixture out into a greased 9x13 baking dish.   I chose to...

Sick and tired of plain old Oreos?!

Hey there!  Remember me?  I know, I know...I have no excuse for abandoning you all and leaving you to search for delicious baked goods all on your own.  All I can promise is that it won't happen again, I swear!  I may not post every day, or even every week, but I will do my best to try to post at least once a week...probably on Fridays...they are my only day off.  See, don't you feel special?!  I am going to share my only day off with you! Okay, enough sucking up and apologizing already.  I am sure you are all dieing to know what wonderful thing I have discovered involving Oreo cookies.  And no, those of you thinking these are my truffles...sorry they are not...this is something way more unusual and oh so very yummy!  Oreo stuffed Chocolate Chip Cookies!!!!!!  They are delicious, they are wonderful and as I sit here writing to all of you glorious readers, I am watching my family devour them at an amazing speed ...