One of my favorite parts about living in the Pacific Northwest, especially in the summer is all the wild blackberries that grow around here. I LOVE fresh blackberries, and unfortunately so does most of my family so we didn't have any left from the summer to freeze and use throughout the year this year. So when I saw that the blackberries at Safeway were buy one get one free, two things came to mind. One, BLACKBERRIES, yummy! and Two, hmmm, there is probably a reason these are buy one get one free so I guess I better freeze them or use them fast if I buy any. Yeah, if I buy any indeed! Of course I grabbed a couple...thought about grabbing more but decided as freezer space was short (notice the WAS short, we have since hooked up the big deep freeze : D !!!!!) I better limit myself to two pints. Now all that was left was to decide what to do with them. After staring at the blackberries and waiting for them to...