Let me start out, on my first first blog entry ever, by saying that I do not claim by any means to be an expert or an all-knowing cook. I don't always know what I am doing, and as my husband can most definitely confirm, not everything I make tastes very good or even a little good for that matter. ( Yes honey, I remember the darn meatloaf, let it go already!!!) What I can say is that I LOVE to cook and bake. I am pretty much willing to try any recipe or new cooking techniques. This blog is going to be a record of sorts of my culinary adventures, the good, the bad and the frustrating! For our very first meal together, I chose an old favorite of mine, potato soup. I think I chose it because it was simple and pretty to photograph, but mostly cause I want it to be Fall already! I know it is on its way, you could feel it in the breeze here the other day and combine that with preseason football games and I decided to at least preten...